Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Dripping, Maggot Infested Bags And Other Pleasantries

Think about the thing you least like to do, o.k just one of the things you least like to do. In earlier years I hated taking out the trash. Absolutely HATED it. Then my wife convinced me otherwise. I have come to think of it as more of a necessary evil, because I get to take a walk while lugging the 50lb dripping, maggot infested bags, to the dumpster located some two football fields away, in the middle of July, or I just tell my son that it's his turn.

Even worse for me than the garbage fiasco has always been something that requires a more daily attention, and that is doing the dishes. When I was 7 or 8 my mom said that I had to start helping out in this way and I loathed it. It started out kinda cool but after about the third plate it totally lost all coolness. Who got all these dishes dirty anyway? It wasn't me! It got to a point that twice a week I would try everything to get out of loading the dishwasher. Extra long bathroom visits and stomach aches timed to perfection, a towel fight with my rotten brother or slipping and falling down the back stairs. Yea I know what your thinking; young, spoiled, suburban white kid that had everything handed to him. In some ways you are right, I am white. And suburban and a little spoiled too.

Why does my growth never seem to come through anything but a lot of pain and crying and fighting against it? Issue after issue after issue, I struggle and struggle and fail and struggle some more. I can't just wake up healed from my financial inaptitude. There isn't a discipline tree that I can pick the discipline fruit off of. If change were easy woundn't more people be into it? It could catch on as a fad, God, come on get with the times will ya!
Some of the things that I still don't like:
Using money like I was only the manager, not the owner.
Confrontation, people should just get their stuff in order - well everyone but me!
Headaches behind the eyes.
Throwing up. I fight it to the death, Lamaze breathing methods work pretty well.
Going to bed too early, I might miss something important!

There are many more where those came from.

I guess it all shows me that I need other people really desperately in my life, and I need something bigger to motivate me through the pain of change and the smell of rotten garbage.


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