Wednesday, May 04, 2005

What If Church

What if Church was less like an event attended and more like healthy family living?
What if the leaders were more like an older brother that walked along with you?
What if the meeting was a simple meal served among friends and laughter?
What if relationships were the most important pursuit?
What if prayer was as natural as talking to a friend?
What if communion was love poured into your life?
What if friends were welcomed and included?
What if you were accepted as you are?
What if you were loved deeply there?
What if a message was a discussion?
What if the Bible sprung to life?
What if love ruled?

What if?
What if this was the Church?
What if your home could be a place for this kind of Church in your neighborhood?


Blogger Beez said...

Craig, I think that if this was to happen it would be AWESOME!!! I think about some of those points alot because it would make things so much easier. Good Stuff!

10:05 PM  
Blogger C.M. Coon said...

hey Ed,
i don't envision it as "being picked" in the sense that you would be "assigned" to a group. I see it as happening much more naturally. A "hey do you guys want to hang out" kind of beginning.

the shyness factor will be an issue that people will have to work through and I think that happens as people begin talking about wanting connection. The conversations need to start somewhere and I thought why not here?

11:42 PM  
Blogger Jennifer D. said...

If we sing Kumbya at the Quest, I will not be coming :)
But, on subject if the church was like that, I think we would see a lot more people who would attend "church". However, some people might be turned off because it is much more personal and you can't hide in the crowd, which is a positive.

8:43 AM  
Blogger C.M. Coon said...

we will start with people from our church, and it will be a place to invite friends. I'm sure some (many) people in the beginning of this change in thinking will feel left out as leaders are being developed and house churches are being formed. so we will keep talking and reaching and learning how to love each other. Thanks for the thoughts!

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need leadership first! People are ready, they just need a leader who has a heart for people not just the word.

3:38 PM  

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