Friday, January 21, 2005


I like to build stuff. I think people on a whole like to construct things as well. Just look at our world. Construction masterpieces everywhere. Even the now dilapidated building that you see, once had a glorious beginning. A beginning filled with hope and dreams. A family once lived in that house that is falling down around the corner.
We like to build things in the church as well. Programs and buildings and events. Things that much of the time had glorious beginnings, good intentions and meaningful goals. The error, I believe, is that we in the Church have a very hard time dismounting when the horse is dead. We prop it up, give it a make over and pretend that all is well and new. We relaunch and expand and build on top of outdated ideas, which usually makes really bad ideas because the context has totally changed.

I think that we need a cleansing. A rethink. A “deconstuction,” as many have called it.
I what ways is the Church, as we know it today, proping up dead horses?
What are things that need a nice burial so we can move forward?
What needs to be torn down, so new life can spring forth?
Yes, these are real questions, that I am asking you to weigh in on.
What about the Church needs decontruction, in your opinion?I’m waiting….


Blogger Gwyn said...

I guess I'd say that the church needs to stop trying to evangelize to everyone ONLY by having a speaker and "some cool band" for those that don't know Jesus to come to so they can be "saved." This isn't a bad thing, but the problem is when we spend so much effort and time in giving them an awesome show that we neglect to put time in effort simply in loving them and being real about who we are to them. There is also a problem when we are so insistent that we must do this specific "event" even when we don't have the resources to do it. If you don't have a band, it's ok....people are drawn to real people that really love them more than a sweet band. I am just as guilty at this as anyone, because it's EASY evangelism. It's easier to sit inside apart from the real world and plan something like this, then when the time comes for the event, maybe talk to a few people, but mostly hang out with those I'm more familiar with. We want the easy way to love people like Jesus did, and it is impossible.

5:53 PM  
Blogger C.M. Coon said...

i don't think that we need to be prepared for all the places that this could lead, (dave) but i think we better think through all the places we will leave. we should not change for change sake, (i think). How have we gotten here in the first place? why is this so difficult? The consumer mentality is so pervasive in who we have become, so you are right Petah, how do we help move an unwilling "consumer" away from the ingrained mindset given our current reality? the million dollar question.....

11:41 AM  
Blogger C.M. Coon said...

exactly! we have become so building focused. we drive by the building 4025 North road and what do we say? well there's the Church! NO ITS NOT! it is the building that the church gathers in. the Church is the people, the family, the church is you and me living out the gopspel in our crazy world. yes we still need to gather together for mutual encouragement but worship is THE life style of the followers of Jesus. The way we live and interact with people in our web of friends/family/neighbors/coworkers/etc

1:33 PM  

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