Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mexican Prayer

Hey it's been awhile since the last post and much has been happening!
In about 48 hours our summer trip to Anapra, Mexico is go for launch. Over the following 19 days (July 7th thru 26th) 36 people will travel, sweat, work, laugh, cry, create, pray, sing, climb, dream, live in a context and culture that for some will be unlike anything they have ever experienced before. This annual trip is the highlight of my ministry year.

This experience will never be forgotten. If you go you are changed! God comes close and breathes life into the dust of that place and those who venture there.

Please Pray for us as we travel and work and cross into Mexico.
Pray for clear sight and open spirits to experience the embrace of Jesus.
Pray for us as we have much work to do.
Pray for many in VBS to hear, trust and follow Jesus.
Pray for the projects: Two houses, a second bunkhouse floor, a retaining wall.
Pray for relationships with new families and old friends.
Pray for safety and good weather. pray for our devotionas and prayer times.
Pray for Shelia.
Pray for Meguel.
Pray for Silvia.
Pray for the church that gathers at Monte Santo and Verdad Y Vida and Johovah Provides.

Thanks for the Mexican Prayers!


Blogger Beez said...

I will be praying for everyone. Have fun and can't wait to hear what happened while you were down there.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Jennifer D. said...

We really miss you guys. It seems like so much has happened since you have been gone. I know the trip was rough at times, but what were some of the ways you experienced God?
I wish I would have gone. I really need a time to draw closer to God. I am in a huge valley right now.
I am glad you are home!

11:42 AM  

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