Blogging For Cheese

If I were a mouse, I would blog for cheese.
If I blogged for my cheese lately, I would be dead.
The last six/seven weeks of my life have been somewhat busy.
I took a little tripperoo to Anapra, Mexico with 35 friends and worked our butts off.
We built two complete homes for two different families, (House number one is in the pic)
We built a 75 foot long by six foot high, cement block retaining wall to hold back a hill next to a church
And for good measure we put a second story (floor, walls and roof) on the bunkhouse that we began in February. (4,200 miles ~ 19 days.)
Then for kicks Connie and I went on vacation back east: Lake Placid, New York, Bar Harbor, Maine, Boston, Massachusetts and Washington D.C. (3,300 miles ~ 14 days)
I don’t really want to drive anymore.
I don’t remember what my routine used to be.
I do remember now that I like my own toilet because I don’t have to wipe it off and put all the paper protection on it before use. The nastiest one was in a Kmart in Maryland, gag me.
I like, no love, my own bed, it’s just right!
Random Question:
How do you know that you have had a spiritual experience???
Please Answer.
I know that I have a spiritual experience everytime I wake up. My thought is that "EVERYTHING" we do is spiritually forming us. Either on the path that GOd has for us or in the opposite direction.
Those two weeks were awesome, I can't wait till Feb. to go again.
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