
We’ve made the celebration of Communion one of the centerpieces of what we do on Sunday mornings, every Sunday morning. Someone asked me this morning before our celebration time why we had made that decision, they were seemingly uncomfortable with the move. I explained that the celebration of the Eucharist was central to who we are as Christ followers and vital to spiritual formation.
For this particular assembly Peter (He's the lead Pastor) had decided that we were going to set the cross in the center of the gathering place with the chairs around it. Cool Idea. The communion elements were set on the two tables that the eight foot cross was on top of, with candles aglow all around. The invitation was given for people to come up to the cross, if they liked, during a song to reflect and pray. Dozens of people came and prayed and wept and sought God. It was very moving for me. Tears streamed down my face as one man helped a wheel chair bound man receive the meal. People were all over silently crying out for Jesus. People are crying out for love. All around the cross the wounded came and received. I was blown away. Thanks.
I am bummed that I missed it. I really need something positive in my life right now. This weeked sapped all my energy and my emotions...
I wish my church had communion more than once a month, i think that is what we have. thatwould have been awesome to be at.
Hello. I haven't read this blog in a couple of months. That sounds like a wonderful meeting, to say the least!
It's also interesting, as I went back, you asked a question on an August Post: "how do you know when you've had a spiritual experience?"
I started leaving a comment, but it got too long, so I'm posting it on my blog, in a moment... but I think the words of my answer pale by the illustration of the answer in this meeting you just described. Thanks for sharing.
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