Holding Our Little Breath

Have you ever witnessed a young child hold their breath in defiance of their parents? Like holding your breath is going to force your mom to capitulate her demands. We’ve all done it. We demand our way, attempting to impose our will upon any (and many) given situation. We stomp and curse and plead to be heard. We are right! We deserve our “rightness” to be recognized! Listen to me, I’ve been taken advantaged of, I’ve been hurt, I’ve been dishonored and I AM RIGHT!!
I think God chuckles like many parent do under their breath, turning away suddenly to conceal their smile. Is life really about being right? Your temper is showing little boy, my distant mother’s words whisper in my memory.
Do I have to be right? Do you? Is that life’s most important purpose or are we just using it (our rightness) to cover up our insecurities? Can I be right and loving, motivated by grace? Can I be wronged and love?
Often our righteous finger quickly point out the thoughtless choices of others.
Let us grow up in love for all people, especially those who have wronged us because it defines who we’ve become so far.
First of all SHUT UP> You wrote this after our discussion at CB. I don't know whats right in the situation I am thinking of. I just know that they hurt someone close to me. I am angry about that. I can forgive but I don't want to hang out with anyone involved. Is that wrong? Do I have to become friends with them again, even if they can't be trusted. That's all. I do forgive them (somedays) but I don't want to be friends with them. I know I need to work on forgiveness... Stop preaching. :)
I was reading today in the NLT in Romans 12:9 "Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other... 14 Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them; pray that God will bless them. 17Never pay back evil with more evil... 18Do all that you can to live at peace with everyone. 19Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God."
what do you think?
Craig, your absolutely correct. It's not necessary to point fingers, often times when you do, your ultimate feeling is guilt. Because of this, you are not sharing God's love, nor shining your light for others to see.
Believe me, I have been wronged in a tremenous way in the past, and I don't feel like forgiving, but when I do, there is a remarkable peace that comes over me! You have to continue to forgive for days, months, and even years concerning situations that have been done to you.
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