I have just stopped crying, well maybe. Connie and I just watched "Born Into Brothels" and I can't say enough about it. Basically a photographer goes into Calcutta, India to photograph the women involved in prostitution. Well what she discovers is all the children of the prostitutes. She begins to teach them her skill and love them in real and practical ways. The kids are given cameras and begin to give us a glimpse of their world, through their eyes. A camera man follows them around and for 1:20 minutes we were mesmerized. You really should see this movie. One woman who doubts her ability and skills lays it on the line for the least of these and the story is unforgettable. They have a website: www.bornintobrothels.com
What a devestating life for a child to be born into. It makes me tear up just thinking about it. Were you hysterical the whole movie, or are you able to watch it?
that was an amazing movie. and i think it really goes along with the faith talk we had on wenesday. this woman had faith in her ability to impact a poverty striken child, she didn't know how she would do it or how long it would take, but she still did it. and in the process gave these kids hope, hope of one day escaping the brothels.
No Jen, I'm not a "hysterical cryer" (like one little girl I know who hates to get shots or the belt!) it was great and it was just as good the second time watching it with a few students today, whom all thought that it was excellent, even though they didn't cry. did i ever tell you what a heartless group of students that i work with??? just teasing...
hahaha, funny craig. that was an amazing story though. no tears, but it was both inspirational and heartbreaking at the same time.
Great movie! I probly would have cried if I was by someself. The only logical conclusion would be that I have no emotions. I know I have a heart because it was broken by the movie! Thanks for letting us watch it!
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