Friday, December 23, 2005

Brother Pain And Sister Soul

Enter life.

I’ve stumbled across pain in my life, we all have.

I know what a piece of sand in the eye feels like.

I understand banging your head hard enough to need stitches.

I have had a concussion and been in fights.

I’ve looked into the weeping eyes of people I’ve disappointed.

I’ve had torn flesh and had my heart ripped open with injustice.

People have accused me of untrue things and willingly lied.

I was told that my son had died.

I’ve tasted blood and sweat.

I’ve felt the burn of acid on my face and in my lungs.

I’ve had teeth knocked out in an accident.

I have taken part in screaming matches with those closest to me.

I have felt strong and weak on the same day,

as well as deep desperation and loneliness.

Yet, I am not better than anyone or very different either.

Enter God.

God dresses himself with flesh and blood.

God had baby soft skin and later rough calluses.

God felt the burn of the sun and the sting of winter’s cold.

He experienced thirst and disappointment.

Tasted injustice and temptation like know one else.

He had passionate friends and deliberate enemies.

He was overlooked and underestimated.

He was a pawn of some and scapegoat to all.

He sought guidance from his father during weakness.

Jesus was tortured without guilt, torn into pieces.

He knows pain, he understands difficulties, firsthand.

He knows your story, cried your tears and prayed for you today.

He is our brother in pain.

Enter Christmas.

The waiting is over.

God is here among us like no other time.

And this God understands, cares, acts on our behalf.


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