Thursday, January 27, 2005

Bathing In Thrown Out Bath Water

How many people have been infected with the love of Christ that leads them to live an ever changing life in a world stirred by chaos?
A life that is morphing slowly under the gentle pressure and prompting of the Spirit, to look more like Jesus than me.
A life that is consummed with passion for connection with the life giver and fellow travelers.
A life that is less and less self motivated and manipulating.
A life that loves, gives and serves.
A life that is simple in essentials and complex in relationships.
A life that overflows with worship.

Where is this life best incubated?
Let’s assume God is moving in your life, where would you turn to become more like this?
How would this “place” take form?
What would need to be present?
What would you be doing more of, less of to encourage this style of life?

I am waiting for your input….with baited breath!


Blogger Christian said...

Hi Craig,

I'm really enjoying your Blogs. They are very thought Provoking. I think that getting to the place with God that you are talking about is a life long process of God growing and changing us into His image. I think that it is incubated in prayer and asking God to change us to be more like him. I notice about myself when I am not spending as much time with God I tend to be more self-focused. I do better the more time I spend with Him and trying to reach out to other people, but it is a struggle. I think that we all want to be more like God and it is encouraging to know that He is working in our lives and changing us.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Jennifer D. said...

I agree Dave. I think that churches often seem to extinguish passion and replace it with deeds. As long as I come to church, as long as I am involved in bible study...blah, blah, blah. I think as we become more passionate about God we start to care less and less what others are thinking of us. Its quite freeing! I think the ideal environment to develop a greater passion for Christ is with other believers who are searching too. However, it better not stop there. A passion for a Christ-like life needs to spill out into our communities so others can recognize the love of God too. The passion needs to envelope our daily lives as we try to live for the one who created us.

7:08 PM  

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