The Sacrament Of Pain - part III “Amputation”

"If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” Matthew 5:29
Wow, Jesus, you really are out there aren’t you?
If your eye causes you to sin gouge it out…. Yikes!, in other words suffer pain here to get a grip on the depths of your sin before it’s too late. Jesus says that we should cause pain to our body to rid ourselves of the idea that sin is sweet or even tolerable. Gouge out an eye. Dig it out of your head. Rip it from its nerves rather than believe that rebellion is ok. Is Jesus saying that we should use self inflicted pain to help us to become more like him?
Yea, I think he is.
Yes, I understand that he is effectively using hyperbole and we ought not be cutting of our limbs in some ritualistic manner, yet when was the last time you or I have intentionally and voluntarily caused pain in our life so that we could embrace Christ? When was the last time we have given up a comfort just to help someone? Have chosen “less” so someone else could have “some”? Have decided to make due and not pursue the American dream so others will be somewhat relieved. Maybe instead of grabbing for the gusto we change our thinking in real and practical ways that will impact others through our small dyings.
Recently I have instructed students to get practical in the way that they follow Jesus by serving people. I used the S.N.O.T. analogy service plan. Serving should be Simple, Needed, Ordinary, Today kind of stuff. Simple things need to be done all of the time in everyone’s life. Take out the trash, clean the toilet, etc. Not only simple things, but needed things, things that make a difference in someone’s life. Ordinary is a great way to serve, you don’t have to fly to the other side of the world to go on a mission trip for goodness sakes, start in your ordinary world and start Today!
Yes that will leave a mark!
Man do I have a long way to go!
I think of missionaries first. They move thousands of miles away from home without the comforts we have here, sacrifice time with family and friends to spread the word of God to unknowing countries. However, its true that we can do the same things here in poho or wherever we hail from. Its tough-I have a way to go...
I don't think that we can ever say that what we have done is enough. There are still hungry people out there. There are still poor homeless people. There are still people who haven't heard thg 'good news' of Christ. I don't think anything that we do can be enough. All we can do is follow God's lead. There is always someone out there who needs help. I still have a way to go because I don't move on the opportunites God lays infront of me. I am sometimes hesitant to help out-maybe bacause I am tired. I need to sacrifice more-like get less sleep.
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