Connecting Dad

Hey I have been away for a few days, ok a week and during that time away I was able to spend some time with my dad. It was great to get away and even better to spend time with my dad. As it worked out we got a day and a half alone together (along with more time with others around). We caught up on a lot of stories, played some cards, ate a lot of my mom’s pre-arranged meals. One of the things that I didn’t know was as a boy of 11 or 12 he used to spend time with his maternal Grandfather helping work on the railroad during the summer. This wasn’t a paid thing, just a hang out with his uncle and grand dad. My dad described his grandfather as a huge guy of seven feet tall and quite a scrapper. He said that with a name like “Pearl Longberry” he had to be. He said that he witnessed
Thanks Dad!
I am glad that you enjoyed yourself. It is important to share the good times and bad with people around you. Dinner at the DeGloppers :) is tonight. We do just that, I am very excited...
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