God Moments

How do you put 15 of us in a van for 5 hours each way, interject many noisy bodily functions and laughter and come out with anything short of a chaotic murder scene I’ll never know. Yet in these things, for reasons unknown to me, God seems to show up. Great memories are formed, friendships developed, tongues burned from overzealous hot chocolate consumption and God seems to show up. Not always for everyone and not usually at the same time or the same way. We simply invite Jesus to join us, (I beg like a starving, lost little puppy) and He does, in His time and in His way, to whom He chooses. Hearts are stirred and new commitments are coming out of peoples mouths that you didn’t expect to hear. For some you just pray for the seeds that have been sown to one day take root and for the others the evidence is in the new lives that they want to live.
Thanks Jesus for the God Moments this weekend and for rest too, yeah.
You never forget these things. I remember all of our trips. They are fun, but they show you that you don't have to be doing drugs, drinking, or having sex to have fun. You have a big impact on these kids too. They see you still acting like a 12 year-old, even though you are 43 :) There is something special about a guy who can relate so well. You always knew more people at school than I did :)
i always love these trips for that very reason, God interacts so much. it may seem like a strange place for him yet he does. i really wish i could have went, but i still have mexico and that shall be amazing. and having the heart, and sometimes the maturity, of a child is awesome, i come from a line of guys that never "grow up" so i hopefully am destined for the same. but people have told me numerous times that they thought you were in your late twenties or early thirties, they never guess you'd be in your fourties. i mean honestly, you can still keep up with all of us playing football and that is pretty amazing.
Just Keep up?
yeah, just keep up. why? because after a while you start to complain about your back and other age related stuff.
Or maybe that's just an excuse or distraction before he comes back and defeats you!!! hehe
You are my favorite pixie too!
thanks for watch'en my back!
I'm going to have agree with my sis on this one. Distract them, make them think you're week, and then spring into action when their defences are down. If all else fails, blind them with your reflector, er... I mean your head. hehe.
hahaha, nice kathy
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