Jet Ski Joe. Part Three

This in continued from the two posts below: "Jet Ski Joe"
As Eric and I began to turn Joe around so he was facing the front of the ski a second unexpected wave hit us hard and all three of us went into the Gulf. This time on the way in both Joe and I swallowed some sea water and came up coughing. As I was once again holding onto Joe, Eric pulled himself back on the Ski. About this time a small bright yellow Jet boat pulls up and the two tan guys in it offer to help us, as it turns out they are off duty firemen from out of state. As they get close a wave knocks the Jet ski into the boat, the problem with that was I was between them and was holding my arms out, one on each watercraft so I didn’t get crushed and desperately trying to hang onto Joe.
Finally we moved Joe behind the small yellow boat and begin to coax his 180 pounds on the boat. Thankfully this time the waves aided us in the effort and the two firemen pulled him into their boat after much effort and care. All during this time people were yelling different instructions to Eric, to me, to who knows, the reality was I didn’t hear many of them at all. For what ever reason, in the next moment, I am being dragged behind the bright yellow boat so I can get closer to my jet ski as the fire guys yell "Hang on!" and things like "Are you all right?". Eric bailed and went to get his ski.
Exhausted, I climb up again to my seat, now without Joe, the seriousness of the situation begins to set in. My hands were shaking so bad that I had a hard time getting the plastic safety switch that was on my life preserver back under the kill button so I could start my ski. The whole time the waves were relentless and very close together causing all of us to bob up and down at a pretty fast pace. At last, key in and engine started, I realize that I have lost my favorite hat, a Detroit Tigers hat that my daughter bought me for fathers day somewhere in the gulf. Hats are cheap compared to what happened today.
As I race to catch up to the little yellow “firemen” boat that is holding Joe, I see the Coast Guard boat and their flashing yellow lights in the distance. It’s getting darker now as we race off to meet the black and red boat. Pulling up to the Coast Guard ship I notice that they are yelling at Eric. Come to find out later, someone had mistakenly called in that Joe had been paralyzed from this accident, and that his leg was broken too! So the Coast Guard was thinking that it had a real mess to deal with. It’s a good thing that Alex, Joes aide, wasn’t long in getting there, she was able to talk her way onto the Coast Guard boat and ride back to the dock with them and Joe, who by the way, laughed the whole way back!
As I drove back to the resort that night I cried, thanking God that he had spared again the life of Jet Ski Joe.
The next day we took Joe parasailing, which is a whole other story!
Joe really loves that water! I can't wait for the conoe trip of '06! Maybe Joe can stay inside the canoe this time. And if you can't tell by now I have no clue how to spell that! He loves talking about those stories. He's so cool. I'm glad ya'll are OK!!!
I buy you a hat every year any way :) What did it look like...
I love that this church is so awesome that they would want to include a person with special needs. He has a blast just being with you guys. Know that you are special because God has given you a soft spot for Joe and others like him. It makes me proud to call you 'dad'.
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