Well That Was Fun

Mexico, as a honeymoon 25 years after the initial fact, (instead of a mission trip) was a great experience. The weather was 80-85 everyday and sunny all of the time. The sun came up over the mountains and set over the ocean. Puerto Villarta was beautiful. We did a lot of sitting by the pool and swimming and eating and eating and eating some more. It was a great time together. There is so much to tell you all. We went snorkeling, saw hump backed whales, dolphins, man-o-rays, kayaked, watched sunsets and a sunrise, read, but our main goal was to relax. We did that with great success. Thanks for everyone’s kindness and prayers that made this trip possible for Connie and I, we appreciate it so much!
Those are beautiful pictures!
This is probably a stupid question, but at the risk of sounding stupid, I'll ask anyway...
Did you take those pictures? They are beautiful! God's creation is so stinkin amazing! I'm glad it was a good time!
Yes I took them both, and no it wasn;t a stupid question..
I have many more that I will use on the blog. but thanks for the nice comments sisters!
You were supposed to email me some pictures...I am still waiting...
I am so excited you guys had a good time. You both deserved it. We are going to go next summer.
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