
When is it, my friends, that you know you have had enough? What is enough? Connie made some great Fajita’s today for dinner and I devoured two of them puppies, like now. It was enough…. Or was it? A couple of hours later I needed two, ok make that four, cookies. I thought the fajitas from the hand of an angel were enough? Why is “enough” so based on condition? Enough is rarely ENOUGH when it come to us humans. There always seems to be room for more dissatisfaction. We have enormous capacity for discontent.
Throw God into the mix. He is supposed to be the end of desire, the answer, the only piece that fills the empty hole in our lives, in short, enough. God is supposed to be enough! Where my, and perhaps our, struggle lies is that we are so absolutely dependant. Everyday we need to find our fill in him. Every breath we draw is because of him. I play at this following Jesus thing way too much. Some days I am frustrated with all of my shortsightedness and simple desertion. Other days I am eying up the big screen HD/LCD TV’s at Sam’s Club. (Now I don’t want you to think that I am picking on you for having one, I am not, but my 32” old tube TV works just fine, so why the discontent?)
“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9 and that deceit runs very deep. Enough Already!
I think a lot of it comes down to the amount of faith we have in God. if we were capable of giving it all up to Him then we would be satisfied with what He gives. but we can't. we desire all this other stuff to fill in the void sin has created in us and none of it is great enough to satisfy our desire. God is, but it is so hard for us to completely understand that
i think that when you have enough faith you will know. but i also highly doubt that anyone will have that much faith here on earth. but it is something to strive for.
Good question. For me, I know that rarely enough is enough. Especially when it comes to food.
A mustard seed is a lot of faith compared to what we have now. If we had that size faith, we could move mountains.
I am a person who like to fill my life with things. I try to ignore the void and buy more clothes, more things. They keep me happy temporarily, but don't fill me the way He would if I sought after him they way I hunt for jeans or curtains.
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