Hope Is Just A Distant Land

Amazed is a good word, but not a complete one. Disturbed, ripped off, ticked, are other emotions that followed. The woman was in her mid fifties and tears streamed down her anguished face.
“Please forgive me,” she begged. “God has punished me for not doing what I told you that I would do, please forgive me.” At this we were all crying without shame.
“We forgive you’s” and "there is nothing to forgive you for's" were launched from all around the circle of tears, along with many hugs.
Imagine the emotion this poor woman has been through over the last year. From living in a shack in a place that she said was “ugly and hopeless” to getting a new home built for you and then given to you, for free! Then eleven months later having her dream destroyed in an early morning fire. Yes, she knows that they were very fortunate not to have suffered loss of a loved one and yet, it is still a crushing defeat in a place ripe with agony. She now lives with her sister, they lost everything in the fire a month ago, and hope is just a distant land located long over a horizon of constant guilt. These are real people, in a constant war against the reality of a hard life. It’s no wonder that so many of them bail on life and escape to a numb place where guilt only punishes them while sober.
Please Pray for Cecelia and do something to help the Cecelia’s of this world.
I hope you don't mind that I used the picture you put on here for my own blog. Sorry if you do care!
Wow! How devestating! I can't imagine...
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