I just cannot believe that Connie and I have spent the last 24 years married together! It is unbelieveable that someone who knows me that well would spend that long hanging around me. I thank God that he has allowed us to grow up together, grow closer to each other and to him along the way. He has given us three great kids and many memories along the way. Now with our youngest son Ryan, poised to graduate in June a whole new phase of our life will open up. Oh, the seasons of life that we go through are all so different and challenging in their own way.
I shake my head at the thought that 24 years have gone by in a flash! Thanks Honey for loving me!
I shake my head at the thought that 24 years have gone by in a flash! Thanks Honey for loving me!
Happy Anniversary Craig and Connie. Congradulations!
Thank You Leslie!
Thank You Leslie!
I am such a schmuck. I can't believe I forgot. I am so excited for you guys though. You have been though thick and thin, and you are about to have your freedom back! It will be a great chapter of your lives together, take advantage of it. Unless Matt moves back in and lives there well into his forties.
Happy 24th Pa!!
Hey--tell me how to get my comments emailed to me! I couldn't figure it out.
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