
One of the points that he made was people really are beginning to desire to expand the definition of worship in their lives from 30 minutes on Sunday into a 24-7 lifestyle. Worship is a great deal more than music, it is a life lived out in honor to God. Can we worship God with all of who we are rather than just voices or hands lifted in the air? I remember early on in my following Jesus adventure I was in a setting that people just didn’t lift their hands up during the singing of songs and hymns. I really wanted to many times but chose not to because of the culture, which is a whole other discussion. Now, looking back, lifting up or not lifting up my hands has little value if I’m not lifting up my life in sacrifice to God. Romans 12 says …”in view of Gods mercy to offer ourselves up as living sacrifices this is our spiritual act of worship.” Life lived out in worship in every moment is much more important than if we simply lift up hands when singing, which by the way, I still feel moved to do. But a Life lived out is way, way harder to do. Anyone can learn to lift up their hands, but will we offer our lives?
I agree with Ed. I recently got an email that was written from God's perspective. He was saddened that on his birthday, he was not even invited to the parties. The focus wasn't Christ's birth, but instead eating and drinking, and presents. This time of the year is a great time to start shifting our focus to Jesus. We need less of US in our lives, and more of HIM.
Hey Craig,
That entry has got me thinking. THinking about am i lifting up my life over jsut hands. I think alot fo the time i'm not giving it my all. Thanks for the realization of what i could or couldn't be doing. I hope things are going well with you and that you have a great Christmas!!
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