Mexico Again!
Here we go! About 24 hours and we head out again to my second home, Anapra, Mexico. It is such an honor to be involved in a Church that loves "all nations." God once again provided all the money that we need and once again it was at the last second. Three weeks ago we had raised about $100.00 of the $5,000.00 needed, last week we had about $2,200.00 and between Sunday and monday all of the money came in plus $500.00. So in all $5,500.00 will be used to continue construction on the Bunkhouse and fixing a house and food for the poor!
Thanks to all who gave and please pray everyday from the 16th through the 26th for protection from the evil one and for open hearts, ours and others!
WOW! God really does want you guys to trust that you would get the money. He can through again! Praise God! I am so excited for you guys to go. I will miss my hubby though, take care of him!!
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