White Grace

What a picture of grace. Our ugliness gets exchanged for the pure righteousness of Jesus, by faith. Have you ever been stuck with the immensity of the grace of God? Has the beauty of the Everlasting One taken your breath away recently? Have you been dumbfounded by the love of Jesus? On some days the tears flow freely and God blows me away again, granting me another view of Him that I had yet to experience. Those are the white days that make the cloudy mess that we call life, bearable.
Thanks, I needed that.
Hi, my name is Pedro. Happy Birthday. I did not get you a gift...
I concur!!! Did you take that picture?
I like to think of the pure righteousness of Jesus in terms of clear warm tropical waters. Winter... yuck! There was no snow in the garden of Eden ;)
Sarah Thanks and I'm glad you read it then...
Kathryn AKA "Pedro" yes i took the picture at the beginning of my driveway on Sunday
I can see the righteousness of Christ in both the tropics and the snow, where i have a hard time is in late march's mud and dreariness... I'm gald He's still working on me =]
this is one of the reasons why winter is my favorite season. it paints such a beautiful picture of how christ came and covered us all in his love.
Yes, Narnia. What a fantastical place...
I agree with michael, I relate more the crisp, clear waters and gently swaying palm trees.
I like the picture you 'painted' with words.
Is that your driveway?
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