Thursday, March 24, 2005

Of Sunlight And Death

The sun is warmer these days and the daylight hours are longer. Spring is beginning to have it's way and winter is packing her bags for the southern hemisphere.
I am glad.
A friend of mine who plows snow during the winter, says that he had a record for the amount of days he had to address the snow issue that rests on parking lots and sidewalks alike.
He has been plowing for 20 years.

I am really struggling with the forced murder of Terry Sharvo in Florida. Are we not supposed to protect those who cannot protect themselves? Where does this slippery slope end?

If Terry's murder is continued, I think every handicapped person in the U.S. should seek political asylum in Canada, or Australia.

Who, in the end, will get to decide that my quality of life isn't "normal" anymore?
Who will take the extreme measures of feeding me away so I can drift away in the peace of death?
Sorry Craig, you can't communicate anymore, you can't produce anymore, so your life must not be worth living, starve.

If the judge had any guts he would have ordered Terry to be taken out back and shot in the back of the head. That would be far more "humane." We would be prosecuted for treating our pets in the same manner that they are treating Terry and her family.

What comes to my mind is Hitler and all of his gracious care for the infirmed.

Heaven, still longing.....


Blogger Jennifer D. said...

It truly makes me sick that all these other humans agree with what's happening. They don't understand that she is NOT on life support, she is still has active brain waves, but she is just being fed by a tube. I am a special education teacher and there are kids with special needs in this same predicament. They had some brain damage at birth and are being fed by a feedng tube. Will parents be able to say,"I don't want this baby, starve it"? How horrible. I am so dissapointed in all the Christians not standing up for this woman. Rick Warren was on Larry King the other night and hs had a lot of great things to say, check it out in the net if you can.
As Christians we need to be looking out for the widowed, clothing the naked and FEEDING THE HUNGRY!

4:12 PM  

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