Screaming Into An Empty Cave

I just returned last week from a hiking trip to my favorite place, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, near Munising, Michigan. This time I had along with me four young men who will be going into seventh grade in a couple of days and one of their dads. Now normally getting through to people at this age can be somewhat like screaming into an empty cave, the only response you get is your own voice ringing in your ears, but this was not the case. We talked about and experienced so much together during those four days it makes me wonder why anyone would send thirteen year old males to traditional school, ever. So many teachers are frustrated at the middle school level because the students appear to be brain dead, and they are! AND the way we teach boys at this time in their lives needs to be much more like apprentices rather than, “Sit and read this book Johnny.” I feel for all of those teachers and administrators who find themselves forcing all of these young square pegs through round holes, because they are screaming into empty caves. Young men are sponges waiting to be filled with the water of life if we would adjust our methodology. I have heard it said by someone (who?) that we should “take all middle school boys out of school and teach them how to build a boat.” In so doing they would learn much more than they currently do.
Hi Craig,
I just went to a parent workshop at my kids' school last week about learning styles. The teachers at this workshop decribed 5 different ways of learning and had the parents divide into groups that best met their personalities and ways that we learn (the lego/hands on person, the artistic/creative, the administrator/organizer etc.These teachers said that our educational system is set up to teach only about 50% of the population, or two out of the five learning styles! These people teach teachers how to teach all childern and help their parents understand how their own children learn best. It was very interesting and helpful as a teacher and a parent of one of those young boys who was blessed to be able to go on the backpacking trip with you. He had a wonderful time. Thanks!
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