“A Scandalous Freedom”

I am reading a new book called “A Scandalous Freedom” by Steve Brown. One of the quotes I posted yesterday is from that book. “There really is something neurotic about Christians who spend most of their time trying desperately to please a God who is already very pleased.” Do I think that God is pleased with me? I mean do I believe that He is? Do I live like he is very pleased with me because I am in relationship with Him through faith in Christ? Thinking in those terms can bring a revolution to our lives we could quit “playacting” like we have it all together and simply be. I want to believe it, Lord help my unbelief! I want to live in the freedom of an unmasked life. God loves you and me AND he likes us too! Chew on that! Thanks Steve Brown!
It is hard for me to think that God is pleased with me. How can he be? Am I living how he wants, do I follow his commands...not really. Basically, no. I always fall short. Is he pleased even though I fall short?
That's exactly what I struggle with too. Believing that God still is happy with me, even though I am a screw up. Yet God is pleased with us, we have the imputed righteousness of Christ through faith. he doesn't hold our unrighteousness against us, he held it against Jesus on the cross in our stead. so when God see's us he see's us through the lens of Christ's perfection even though we are not perfect. Yeah!
After reading this, it is very hard for me to think i am pleasing God, i just keep looking at all the mistakes i make daily. How can he be pleased with us when we are failing all the time? This is an awesome question you have written about.
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