A Comfortable Escape

The question for me today, has been: Am I operating my life by faith, or have I settled for something way less like the comfortable and the familiar? I know I mention my quote wall too much and yet almost everyday that I really look, it speaks to me. Today?, Simple, Romans 1:17b, "the righteous will live by faith."
Thanks Peter, for the incredibly bold sermon yesterday on Revelation 11. In the shower today I was considering some of what you said and I am beginning to believe that we Christ followers have become much like our first century Jewish brethren. They had a definite opinion about what the "Messiah" would look like and do, that developed over the centuries. He would free them from Roman oppression and reinstate the Davidic prominence of the nation and God's rule on earth. They wanted release from their pain and hard lives, avoiding the curse. Many of us have adopted the same attitude today. We want the end times to benefit us. We want Rapture and no pain, a comfortable escape from persecution and we are willing to give the "sinners" another chance after we are gone, just as long as we are NOT persecuted, or taken advantage of in any way! But how is that living by faith during these end times?
"Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention." Matthew 7:13-14 The Message
Are you? Am I?
Faith on dudes!
Thanks Steve Gura for the cool barn picture!
Labels: End Time Living
Good thoughts dad. I think we all get stuck in a comfortable routine. I think it is also hard to welcome pain or hard times. However, as Christians we were never promised a cake walk. Actually, the bible says as Christians our walk will be more difficult, but the reward in the end will far out weigh the persecution. It is hard for me to think about end times. Revelation talks about such painful experiences isn't it normal to not want to be a part of it?
well Jennifer,
I think that we all fall into the "avoidance" mindset, but if the end times are upon us how are we goiong to avoid it? So standing up and realizing how I am supposed to be and act for Jesus Christ during the last days should be our primary motivation. Our friends are dying and on the road to an eternity of seperation from the God who loves them and has provided a way back to himself. This is no time to be lazy about that, or comfortable with it either.
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