Forgiveness On The Quote Wall

“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” C.S. Lewis
A couple of Sunday’s ago Peter spoke very bluntly about forgiveness from Matthew 6. I personally know someone who is struggling mightily with this, so much so that they know they are going to spend eternity in hell, separated from God and everything good because they will not forgive people that have hurt them and those they care about. I wonder about all of the turmoil that must live inside people who cannot forgive. I guess I have either never experienced pain on the same level that they have or maybe I am wired a little differently because of the grace of God. Forgiveness seems to be not only the right thing to do, but also the best thing to do. Why hang on and let the hurt done to you continue to hurt you, day after long bitter day? I love the Lewis quote above, it has made it to the famous “Craig’s Quote Wall Of Fame” (pictured above) because I need constant prompt that I am a sinful puke that incessantly needs the reminder of how much blood of Christ has set me free from!
Nice. I posted on my blog a list of some of my favorite quotes if you'd like to browse it hehe I miss you and everyone else! Have a great day!
Here's a list of quotes on forgiveness, here's a great one from the list:
"Life, that ever needs forgiveness, has, for its first duty, to forgive".
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