Monday, February 26, 2007

Carson Matthew DeGlopper!

What an amazing day for the Coon clan! At 3:42 p.m. little Carson Matthew DeGlopper was brought into the world. He weighs in at a robust 7lb 13oz and is a whole 20" long. He is really cute and seemingly very content, which is a huge bonus for mommy and daddy. The birth process was long and somewhat harder than expected primarily since the epidural didn't really work for Jen. But they got through just fine with the help of many prayers along the way! We certainly Thank God for his provision and protection in bringing Carson to us. New life truly is miraculous. I was reading Psalm 139 while in the waiting room:
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be".


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Slow Death

"When Christ calls a man he bids him to come and die."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Death is painful. The older I get, the more afraid of death I become. Not the general idea of dying and going to heaven - that sounds great and will be awesome beyond compare. It's the avenue that we travel in death that will often scare me. The method of the dying that gives me pause. Even harder still, is this dying to oneself. The older I become the more I realize what a hopeless scumbag I am. The things that need to die in my life seem to be growing like a "honey do" list of a vengeful wife. Dying sucks. Most days I'd rather be comfortable with how I've always been, rather than going through the death of me, but alas, that is our call.

God, today, help me to see the part of me that must die, not so I can have a funeral for it, but so I can rejoice in the knowing that you are still moving in my life as you tear this old selfish me from my heart!


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Resurrection Work.

"I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live,

even though he dies;

and whoever lives and

believes in me will never die.

Do you believe this?" Jesus

In the middle of grief over the loss of her brother, Jesus asked a young Jewish woman this question. At the appex of her pain he wanted to expose what she really believed and to her credit, even though racked by waves of emotion, she says "Yes, I believe you Jesus." Do we believe this in the midst of our comfortable lives? Has the resurrection done it's work in you today? Has it dealt a death blow to the old you so the new you, now empoered by the living Christ, can spring forth? May we all live in it today.


Thursday, February 22, 2007


Are you tired constantly?

Do you think that we are simply running in a little cage that in the end never goes anywhere?

Almost like wandering down a road with no apparent direction.

Do you have friends that would buy you lunch? Or mow your lawn or bail you out after you’ve fallen off the wagon again?

Is there an angst brewing inside of you that you just can't seem to pinpoint it’s origin?

What is it about following Jesus that is so, so ordinary, so plain, and yet so arduous?

What are we creating?

Who are we becoming?

Who are we loving and why?

Is the Cross closer to your heart today?

just some thoughts of a wandering mind.....


Thursday, February 08, 2007


2005 was a hot summer in Anapra, Mexico. The children had been out of school for a few weeks when we arrived at a pallet house owned by Cecelia and inhabited by three grandchildren. Somewhere in her tw
o year wait for a new home they saved enough money to purchace concrete for the floor, which is better than what many of the neighbors could do. Cecelia was a proud Mexican grandmother who had been trying to make ends meet for her family in this dry, hot and to use her words "ugly" place to live. It was a great build, as builds go. The lot was located right next door to a church, where the family was attending occasionally. This meant that we had access to a toilet and electricity for the tools. The team was able to build the home and dedicate it to the glory of God and the benefit of the family by Wednesday evening. Three days and lives were transformed in real, practical ways by the love of God being demonstrated through the lives of caring people.

We visit the families that we build for almost everytime we go, just trying to connect with them once again, bless them with some food, prayers and a little hope too. So in 2006 we reconnect with Cecelia, it was our final stop before leaving the country and as we pulled up we noticed that the house that had brought such hope was now a shell of burnt embers.

What a tear-filled reunion with Cecelia that was! She was weeping confessing her "sin" of not tearing down her first home like she had promised. She felt that God was punishing her for her stubborn refusal.

Just a few days ago we were able to rededicate a brand new house for Cecelia and her family. that was quite a scene to behold. Come to find out, Lorena Nowakowski (young white girl from Mich-i-land) a
nd Cecelia back in the summer each had taken a nail from the burnt shell, crying while they did. Then at the dedication they brought those nails back (one all the way from Michigan) and used them to attach the Casa Por Cristo nameplate, which is the final act of building by the team.

We were so blessed to be able to witness the grace of God being poured out on this family not once but twice. The team was so determined to make this happen for this family it was truly inspiring to watch! Thanks to all who prayed and gave and went!
