Tuesday, January 31, 2006


My youngest child owes Connie and I some money (not much new about children owing parents cash, is there?) One of the ways that we are having him pay us back is by reading some books. I look at it as a great opportunity to build into his life, which, in my opinion, is way more important than money. I can see that he is enjoying a couple of the books so far and they are at least making him think. I wish that I had done similar things when I was younger and perhaps I wouldn’t still fail so much of the time. I know that I have to walk my own path, I just wish that less of my following Jesus was a stumbling, bumbling mess.

When I pause to consider the love of God in my life I am in awe and it helps me to take a few more steps along the way. And maybe in my fall-owing Jesus I get to walk with a few of you for a time and you in turn get to walk with someone else, showing them Jesus as His brilliance is displayed through your failings, your cracks and your shortcomings. Paul once said that he would only brag about the cross of Jesus, because not much else mattered when compared to its glory.

So stumble along my friends, the glory of the cross will light your way breaking through your weakness.

The Picture is (from top down) Matthew, me and Ryan home goofing around.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

God Moments

Well I’m back from a Jr. High and High School winter retreat. We did a lot of hanging out, tubing, sweating, laughing, singing, eating, walking with not alot of sleep, or personal hygiene applications or unused muscles. Did I mention NOT a lot of rest?

How do you put 15 of us in a van for 5 hours each way, interject many noisy bodily functions and laughter and come out with anything short of a chaotic murder scene I’ll never know. Yet in these things, for reasons unknown to me, God seems to show up. Great memories are formed, friendships developed, tongues burned from overzealous hot chocolate consumption and God seems to show up. Not always for everyone and not usually at the same time or the same way. We simply invite Jesus to join us, (I beg like a starving, lost little puppy) and He does, in His time and in His way, to whom He chooses. Hearts are stirred and new commitments are coming out of peoples mouths that you didn’t expect to hear. For some you just pray for the seeds that have been sown to one day take root and for the others the evidence is in the new lives that they want to live.

Thanks Jesus for the God Moments this weekend and for rest too, yeah.

Monday, January 16, 2006


1Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. 2 Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. 3 Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace. 4 We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future.” Ephesians 4:1-4

"Relying on God has to begin all over again everyday as if nothing yet had been done." C.S. Lewis

These two statements have impacted my life today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Born Into Brothels

I have just stopped crying, well maybe. Connie and I just watched "Born Into Brothels" and I can't say enough about it. Basically a photographer goes into Calcutta, India to photograph the women involved in prostitution. Well what she discovers is all the children of the prostitutes. She begins to teach them her skill and love them in real and practical ways. The kids are given cameras and begin to give us a glimpse of their world, through their eyes. A camera man follows them around and for 1:20 minutes we were mesmerized. You really should see this movie. One woman who doubts her ability and skills lays it on the line for the least of these and the story is unforgettable.

They have a website: www.bornintobrothels.com

It Just Is.

This is a place that I am arriving at lately. So much of life is reacted to with hatred and disdain, a blame victim must be sought out and properly tagged with the offense, and with any other offense that they have ever committed, placed in a position so that everyone can easily read. Blame. I have spent so much time on that road, hopping on people’s backs for a time, affixing responsibility to them, when in reality it just is.

It just is.

Life really is 10% what happens to you and 90% how we react to it.

It just is.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Maybe The Rain

Sun scorched Tree stands

Lifeless leaves blistering sun.

Tree trusts Life grants no more

has no plans above the daily din.

In the shadows

gently pours Stream.

Every ripple whispering

I am life, drink deeply.

Disregarding the undertone

Tree determines to

simply survive the day.

Maybe the rain will undo my pain

But with this wind it’s gone again

And I still lie in thirst.

Maybe the rain will undo my pain

But with this wind it’s gone again

And I still lie in thirst.

Still lie in thirst…

Longing slowly ushers death...

Yet Stream still flows.

Craig M. Coon December 2005

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ravaged By Your Beauty

Ravaged by your beauty

My life is laid bare

Who am I laying here

my shame face brightly on?

Clothed in self displeasure

and draped in a covering,

of unending embrace.

How can this be,

this, this, twisted reality?

Gouge out current eyes

their truth replaced

by your devastating splendor.

Then I’ll finally see

The old new

Worthless valued

Dead reborn.

Breathe out your loveliness

And give me new life.

A life ravaged by your beauty.

Craig M. Coon

Dec 31st 2005