Eight Year Old Letter

I found these on another site and they are powerful, written by elementary children. They seem to have nailed it! The Link is on the bottom.
Dear Soldier,
Happy holidays. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I feel very bad that you have to be in the war during the holiday, but the one thing we’re all happy about is that you’re fighting for our country.
Dear Soldier,
I dedicate this letter to you because you are fighting for the U.S.A. Is it hot in Iraq? I do thank you for keeping us little kids safe. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Dear Soldier,
Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for serving our country. You are so brave for going across the ocean. I am so proud of you.
Dear Soldier,
How is it going? You know if I was there I would be scared. I’m sure I would miss my family and friends, but you are doing the right thing. You’re saving a lot of people. You people rock! I hope you have a wonderful merry Christmas.
Dear Soldier,
I am in second grade and I live in Tennessee. I like how you are fighting for me and my family. You and your buddies should get to come home when Christmas comes.You are brave to go out and fight. All of you are real brave. I like you.
Dear Soldier,
I wish you could spend the holidays with your family. I appreciate your dedication to serving our country and fighting for our freedom. Our whole class of 25 students is writing letters. I’m the only one who wrote two. I know you don’t want to be there right now. I hope you come back in one piece.
Dear Soldier,
I like the army. I almost read all of the army books. We just moved here a week ago. The old school I went to ws good, but this school is better. We are glad you are doing this. Thanks for making the world a better place. I know I want to join the army. I had fun writing this letter and I will write another.
Dear Soldier,
I appreciate what you have done for our country. I have written a poem especially for you.
Heroic, brave
Fight, protect, guard
Thank you for everything
the Link:
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